The place for the most fascinating photographs from history specializing in animating stereoscopic images.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
A Group of Union Soldiers and Civilians Posing in Front of the Office of Provost Marshall Department of the Cumberland in Chattanooga, Tennessee, During the American Civil War (1860's)
A group of Union soldiers and civilians posing in front of the Office of Provost Marshall Department of the Cumberland in Chattanooga, Tennessee, during the American Civil War, location unknown, c. 1861-1865. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Additional information: Library of Congress.
Union Soldiers at Bayonet Drill in a Camp During the American Civil War (1860's)
Union soldiers at bayonet drill in a camp during the American Civil War, c. 1861-1865. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Portrait of the Prince of Wales Taken in Mathew Brady’s Studio on Broadway in New York City (1860)
Portrait of the Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII) taken in Mathew Brady’s studio on Broadway in New York City, October 13, 1860. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Portrait of a Girl Identified as Miss Bateman (1860′s)
Portrait of a girl identified as Miss Bateman, c. 1860′s. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Monday, December 18, 2017
View of Construction of the Echo Bridge Over the Charles River Near Needham, Massachusetts (1876)
View of construction of the Echo Bridge over the Charles River near Needham, Massachusetts, August 17, 1876.
Source: New York Public Library.
Portrait of Librarians in the War Department Library of the Old Executive Office Building in Washington DC (1880′s)
Portrait of librarians in the War Department Library of the Old Executive Office Building in Washington, D.C., c. 1880′s. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
More information.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Carte De Visite Portrait of Pope Pius IX (1860′s/1870′s)
Carte de visite portrait of Pope Pius IX, c. 1860′s/1870′s. By Paul Emile Pesme.
Source: Rijksmuseum.
Friday, December 15, 2017
View of an Excavated Burial Ground of Christianized Native Americans From The 1500's/1600's in St. Augustine, Florida (1936/1937)
View of an excavated burial ground of Christianized Native Americans from the 1500's/1600's in St. Augustine, Florida. Photographed inside protective structure in 1936/1937. By Frances Benjamin Johnston.
Source: Library of Congress.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Union Soldiers and Civilians Posing on the US Sanitary Commission Hospital Steamer Named Red Rover During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Union soldiers and civilians posing on the US Sanitary Commission hospital steamer named Red Rover during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s.
Source: New York Public Library.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Stereoview Portrait of the Barranson Sisters Possibly Taken in Paris, France (1800′s)
Stereoview portrait of the Barranson sisters possibly taken in Paris, France, c. 1800′s. Taken and/or published by person working under the name EH.
Source: Rijksmuseum.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Stereoview Scene of a Group Looking at a Miniature Theater Stage (1850's)
Stereoview scene of a group looking at a miniature theater stage, c. 1855-1860.
Source: The J. Paul Getty Museum.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Stereoview Portrait of a Group Posing on a Beach in Old Orchard Beach, Maine (1800′s)
Stereoview portrait of a group posing on a beach in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, c. 1800′s. By A. J. Whittemore.
Source: New York Public Library.
Monday, December 4, 2017
Union Sailors Posing on the Deck of an Unidentified US Navy Warship During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Union sailors posing on the deck of an unidentified US Navy warship during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s.
Source: Library of Congress.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Map Showing the Possible Routes Which German Zeppelins Could Use to Bomb England Published Near the Start of World War 1 in August 1914
Map showing the possible routes which German Zeppelins could use to bomb England published near the start of World War 1 in August 1914. From The Illustrated War News magazine published in 1914.
first world war,
german air force,
german zeppelin,
north sea,
world war 1,
world war i,
world war one,
Monday, November 27, 2017
Map of a Russian Redoubt at the Start of World War 1 (1914)
Map of a Russian redoubt at the start of World War 1. From The Illustrated War News magazine published in 1914.
barbed wire,
first world war,
machine guns,
russian fort,
russian history,
world war 1,
world war i,
world war one,
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Portrait of Union Soldiers of the 56th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment Playing a Game of Cards in a Camp During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Portrait of Union soldiers of the 56th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment playing a game of cards in a camp during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s. From the book War Diary and Letters of Stephen Minot Weld, 1861-1865 published in 1912.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Map of French Forts Surrounding Paris Published Near The Start of World War 1 in September 1914
Map of French forts surrounding Paris published near the start of World War 1 in September 1914. From The Illustrated War News magazine published in 1914.
european history,
first world war,
german invasion,
seine river,
world war 1,
world war i,
world war one,
Friday, November 24, 2017
Propaganda Composite Photo Postcard Showing a Smiling German Who Has Captured Three Allied Soldiers and Put Them in Chains Which Was Published During the Early Months of World War 1 (1914)
Propaganda composite photo postcard showing a smiling German who has captured three Allied soldiers (British, Russian, and French) and put them in chains which was published during the early months of World War 1 in 1914. From The Illustrated War News magazine published in 1914.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Stereoview Portrait of a Group Posing With a Boat on a Beach in Old Orchard Beach, Maine (1800′s)
Stereoview portrait of a group posing with a boat on a beach in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, c. 1800′s. By James O. Durgan.
Source: New York Public Library.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Portrait of President Millard Fillmore Attributed to Baltimore Photographer Jesse Harrison Whitehurst (1850′s)
Portrait of President Millard Fillmore attributed to Baltimore photographer Jesse Harrison Whitehurst, c. 1850′s.
Source: Library of Congress.
More information.
Sunday, November 19, 2017
View of the Interior of a Classroom in Winchester, New Hampshire (1800′s)
View of the interior of a classroom in Winchester, New Hampshire, c. 1800′s. By Keene, New Hampshire, photographer J. A. French.
Source: New York Public Library.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
“German Winter Watch in the Vosges. Firing a Heavy Howitzer.“ German Soldiers in the Vosges Mountains of France During World War 1 (1910's)
“German winter watch in the Vosges. Firing a heavy howitzer.“ German soldiers in the Vosges Mountains of France during World War 1.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Portrait of Union Drummer Boy George D. Howell Who Served With Company H of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Portrait of Union drummer boy George D. Howell who served with Company H of the 23rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s. From the book History of the Twenty Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Birney's Zouaves Three Months and Three Years Service published in 1904.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Stereoview of Cuban Rebels in a Trench During the Spanish-American War Titled “Cubans in Their Trenches - Awaiting the Spaniards - Pinar del Río, Cuba.” (1898)
“Cubans in their trenches - Awaiting the Spaniards - Pinar del Río, Cuba.” Cuban rebels during the Spanish-American War, c. 1898. Published by Strohmeyer and Wyman.
Source: Library of Congress.
Monday, November 13, 2017
German Sailors Drilling With the Deck Gun of a U-boat Docked in a Port During World War 1 (1910's)
German sailors drilling with the deck gun of a U-boat docked in a port during World War 1.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
“Captain Franz Von Papen, Former German Military Attache at Washington, Who Was Persona Non Grata to the U.S. on Account of His Unfriendly Activities" (1915)
“Captain Franz von Papen, former German military attache at Washington, who was persona non grata to the U.S. on account of his unfriendly activities. He was recalled December 1915.”
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
“The First Photograph From the Front: German Cavalrymen, Wounded During the Advance on Liège, Being Bandaged” (1914)
“The first photograph from the front: German cavalrymen, wounded during the advance on Liège, being bandaged.” Taken during the German invasion of Belgium in August 1914. From The Illustrated War News magazine published in 1914.
first world war,
german army,
german cavalry,
german cavalrymen,
german soldiers,
world war 1,
world war i,
world war one,
Instantaneous Stereoview of Sailing Vessels in Havana Harbor, Cuba (1860)
Instantaneous stereoview of sailing vessels in Havana Harbor, Cuba, 1860. By American photographer George Barnard.
Source: Library of Congress.
1860's fashion,
albumen print,
cuban history,
george barnard,
havana harbor,
Monday, November 6, 2017
Copy Negative Portrait of a Woman and Child Only Identified as R. Mead (1860′s)
Copy negative portrait of a woman and child only identified as R. Mead, c. 1860′s. Possibly intended to be made into a hidden mother carte de visite print. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
American Soldiers of the 6th US Cavalry Regiment Training Horses in Fort Bayard, New Mexico (1880's)
American soldiers of the 6th US Cavalry Regiment training horses in Fort Bayard, New Mexico, c. 1885.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Animated Stereoview of an African American Man at the Reins of a Horse-Drawn Cart Carrying Cotton in Gainesville, Florida (1800's)
Animated stereoview of an African American man at the reins of a horse-drawn cart carrying cotton in Gainesville, Florida, c. 1800's.
Source: New York Public Library.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Portrait of a Boat Girl in Canton (Guangzhou), China, by Scottish Photographer John Thomson (1869)
Portrait of a boat girl in Canton (Guangzhou), China, by Scottish photographer John Thomson, 1869.
Source: Wellcome Images.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Animated Stereoscopic Portrait of Republican Member of the U.S. House of Representatives From Pennsylvania Stephen Fowler Wilson Taken by Mathew Brady (1860's)
Animated stereoscopic portrait of Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania Stephen Fowler Wilson taken by Mathew Brady, c. 1860's.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Tintype Portrait of Confederate Cavalrymen Posing in a Camp in Georgia During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Tintype portrait of Confederate cavalrymen and unidentified African American man, possibly a camp servant, posing in a camp in Georgia during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s.
Source: Missouri History Museum.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Portrait of an Unidentified Mounted Union Officer Posing With an African American Camp Servant in a Camp During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Portrait of an unidentified mounted Union officer posing with an African American camp servant in a camp during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s.
Source: Library of Congress.
Friday, October 13, 2017
Carte De Visite Portrait of German Field Marshal Helmuth Von Moltke the Elder (1870′s)
Carte de visite portrait of German field marshal Helmuth von Moltke the Elder, c. 1870′s.
Source: Rijksmuseum.
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Two Views of Exhibits in the Interior of Linnaean Hall at the Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (1870′s/1880′s)
Two views of exhibits in the interior of Linnaean Hall at the Gettysburg College in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, c. 1870′s/1880′s. By William H. Tipton. From The Pennsylvania College Book 1832-1882 published in 1882.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Portrait of Union Artillerymen of the 1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment Posing in Their Dining Hall in Camp Smith in Cairo, Illinois (1861)
Portrait of Union artillerymen of the 1st Illinois Light Artillery Regiment posing in their dining hall in Camp Smith in Cairo, Illinois, 1861. The roof of the structure was made from the shell of a decayed sycamore tree. The men are identified from left to right as: George L. Whittier, Wallace Ames, Chauncey R. Crandall, W. L. Southworth. From the book History of Battery "A" First Illinois Light Artillery Volunteers by Charles B. Kimbell originally published in 1899.
Monday, October 2, 2017
Portrait of Ojibwe Chief Hole in the Day (1860′s)
Portrait of Ojibwe chief Hole in the Day, c. 1860′s. By Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Animated Stereoscopic Portrait of Colonel Percy Wyndham Who Served with the 1st New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry Regiment During the American Civil War (1860's)
Animated stereoscopic portrait of Colonel Percy Wyndham who served with the 1st New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry Regiment during the American Civil War, c. 1860's. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Portrait of an Unidentified Union Officer During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Portrait of an unidentified Union officer during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Friday, September 22, 2017
Daguerreotype Portrait of an Unidentified Man by Ball and Thomas of Cincinnati, Ohio (1840's/1850's)
Daguerreotype portrait of an unidentified man by Ball and Thomas of Cincinnati, Ohio, c. 1840's/1850's.
Source: Library of Congress.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Portrait of Two Unidentified Men Taken By the Slee Brothers of Poughkeepsie, New York (1800′s)
Portrait of two unidentified men taken by the Slee brothers of Poughkeepsie, New York, c. 1800′s. Possibly a double exposure of one man.
Source: New York Public Library.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Stereoview of Two People Posing in Front of the Smithsonian Institution Building in Washington, D.C. (1859)
Stereoview of two people posing in front of the Smithsonian Institution Building in Washington, D.C., 1859. By the London Stereoscopic Company.
Source: Library of Congress.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Portrait of an Unidentified Union Officer During the American Civil War (1860′s)
Portrait of an unidentified Union officer during the American Civil War, c. 1860′s. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Daguerreotype Portrait of an Unidentified Young Man by African American Photographer Francis Grice (1850′s)
Daguerreotype portrait of an unidentified young man by African American photographer Francis Grice, c. 1850′s.
Source: Library of Congress.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Animated Stereoscopic Portrait of an Unidentified Union Officer During the American Civil War (1860's)
Animated stereoscopic portrait of an unidentified Union officer during the American Civil War, c. 1860's. Attributed to Mathew Brady.
Source: National Archives and Records Administration.
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