Saturday, December 10, 2022

Early Hand-Colored Photo of a Gift-Laden Santa Claus Emerging From a Fireplace Taken by Photographer George Stacy (1860s)


Early hand-colored photograph of a gift-laden Santa Claus emerging from a fireplace, c. 1860s. Taken by photographer George Stacy and originally published as a stereoview card.

Source: Library of Congress.

Link to my video collection of early photos of Santa Claus.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Portrait of Two Men Posing in the Interior of the Merchants' Exchange Building Along Wall Street in New York City Taken By George Stacy (1860)

Portrait of two men posing in the interior of the Merchants' Exchange building along Wall Street in New York City, New York, c. 1860. Taken by photographer George Stacy. Today, a renovated version of the building is known as 55 Wall Street.

Source: New York Public Library.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Reading a Book on the Porch of His House in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Taken by the Langenheim Brothers (1856)


Portrait of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow posing on the porch of his house in Cambridge, Massachusetts, c. 1856. Taken by the Langenheim Brothers. 

 Source: New York Public Library.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Photo Looking Down Pennsylvania Avenue Taken From The US Capitol By Photographer William England (1859)

Photo looking down Pennsylvania Avenue taken from the US Capitol by photographer William England, c. 1859. Originally published by the London Stereoscopic Company.

Source: Library of Congress.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Engraving of a Lost Photo of Photographer Jeremiah Gurney From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper (1859)


Engraving of photographer Jeremiah Gurney from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper published on September 24, 1859. The image is probably based on a lost photo portrait of him.
