Saturday, February 8, 2014

Animated Stereoviews of Destruction in Fort Sumter Taken Shortly After the Union Surrender (1861)

A group of men cleaning up a section of Fort Sumter after the surrender.

The flagpole which was cut down by Confederate artillery fire during the bombardment of Fort Sumter. A group of men can be seen cleaning up rubble in the background.

A row of artillery pieces in a casemate in the interior Fort Sumter.

Shell damage to an exterior brick wall of Fort Sumter.

Views of the damaged interior and exterior of Fort Sumter shortly after its surrender by Union forces in 1861. By Osborn and Durbec. Animated stereoviews.

Source 1.
Source 2.
Source 3.
Osborn & Durbec
Osborn & Durbec

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